It's helpful for your members to be able to rely on at least one recurring event each month.
Create guidelines around acceptable behavior for each type of event for your members
Event Ideas:
Educational Events
Introduction to psychedelics
History of psychedelics
Bringing various leaders in to do a workshop
Bringing a known researcher to give a talk
Have someone share a particular story or journey
Harm reduction education events
Set and setting
Testing your drugs
Best practices, doâs and donâtâs
Fireside project (623-473-7433); 3pm-3am free psychedelic peer support. Includes an affinity program for callers to be able to choose a volunteer that comes from a similar background
Drug interactions; spirit pharmacist
Mindmedicine Australia
Sussex Partnership
Drug testing kits
Narcan certification with local fire department
CPR certifications
Handing our Narcan/nalaxone
How to get your friends out of a bad trip
Manual of psychedelic support
Academic Events
Creating opportunities for dialogue with academics
Integration Circles - How to run your own
Arguably the bread and butter of psychedelic societies
Can create different circles for different needs
BIPOC circles
Women circles
Queer cirlces
Mens circles
Therapeutic Use circles
Substance use recovery circles
Tam integration - accessible course on creating and hosting an integration circle
Zendo and MAPS resources
Katherine MacLean training program on how to lead an integration circle
Other circles that are psychedelically informed
Mens and womens circles
BIPOC circles
Trans and nonbinary circles
Spontaneous non ordinary states - manic episodes, psychotic breaks, kundalini experiences
Fundraising Events
Reaching out to bars to have an event with drink specials
Psychedelics tend to attract artists, you can put on an open mic or art event and have all proceeds going to the society
Swag/merch - make tshirts, beanies with your logo
Give Butter - like a go fund me for 501c3s and other official organization
Grant writing
Journey Events
Cannabis Ceremonies
Part of the journey cohort, preparation, experience, integration
Ecstatic Dance
Cacao Ceremonies
Regular meet and greet
Potlucks / Picnics
Community Service Events
Great way to demonstrate to the general public what a psychedelic society is. Also a good way to get out of our echo chamber
Cleaning up trash in a park together
Preparing meals that get shipped to people in need - good way to build community
Building git bags for houseless, or children in the foster care system
Book Clubs
Documentary Screenings
Multiple days
Requires funding
Requires a large space
Yoga events
Requires a teacher
An excellent healing tool to pair with psychedelics
Other Events
Table at other non-psychedelic events to expand the circle
Lots of societies offer their members to host and lead an event that inspires them.
Create the tools for our volunteers to run an event.
Empower them to run with it
Have a team to support them
Have an events committee for people to run events by them
Members of societies just want to hang sometimes with no agenda too.
Regular town halls
To hear people's concerns and needs
Specifically helpful for organizations working on political campaigns
Creative workshops
People are regularly creating together on a project, sometimes one individual project and sometimes a group project.
This helps create community and communication amongst members
Community members may also feel inspired to create their own events through your society, and your society can act as a platform for them to express themselves and create subcommunities.
Its valuable to have a set of agreements for how these events occur so that all leadership is on the same page.
Last updated